When can I get my first appointment?
For all appointments and enquiries, please contact us on (02) 9119 8777. MindFrame Psychology’s office contact hours are between 9am – 6pm Monday–Friday. You can generally get your first appointment within 2 weeks of your first contact.
How much will I be charged for consultations?
The cost of each session is $300. If you have been referred through a mental health care plan by your GP then you are eligible for a medicare rebate. Medicare will reimburse up to $137 per session. You do not need a referral to make an appointment. However, to receive a Medicare rebate, you will need to be referred by your GP or psychiatrist under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS item number 2710). If you have reached the Medicare Safety Net amount you may be rebated 80-100% of the fee. Health Fund Rebates: You may be rebated by your private health fund depending on your level of cover. Medicare does not allow you to claim both a medicare rebate and a heath fund rebate. MindFrame Psychologists are registered with all major health funds. Accepted forms of payment are cash, cheque and EFTPOS, & major credit cards.
What happens during the first appointment and in following appointments?
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychological treatment that is one of the most effective treatments for the most common psychological problems such as: depression, anxiety, panic & stress, just to name a few.
CBT has been evaluated in thousands of national and international research studies over decades to produce clinically significant improvements for a wide range of difficulties.
How will CBT help you? CBT equips you with
-Strategies to change your frame of mind -Strategies to change your behaviour -Strategies for coping in more effective & adaptive ways The tools you learn are based on psychological evidence, meaning that scientific research has shown that CBT strategies are effective. CBT strategies can assist you to make meaningful long term changes, improve your mood & reduce anxiety.