Depressive Conditions

Effective strategies to help you with depression and its symptoms.

  • Antenatal and Postnatal Depression
  • Low self-esteem, low confidence, shame
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Grief and Loss
  • Feeling down most of the time
  • Feeling irritable
  • Loss of motivation, energy and interest
  • Low self-esteem, low confidence, guilt and shame
  • Trouble sleeping or too much sleep
  • Antenatal and Postnatal depression and anxiety
  • Mood swings and Bipolar I and II
  • Grief and Loss
  • Loneliness
Are you Depressed?

You’re not alone. One in twenty people will experience depression at some point in their life.

What is depression?

Depression is a very common mental health difficulty that affects mood, behaviour and quality of life. Everyone feels sad and low from time to time, however depression is a more intensive feeling which is felt most of the time, and can be very difficult to overcome. It can be described as having a black cloud constantly overhead. Depression can be caused by stresses and life events. Genes, negative thinking styles, stress and negative behaviours can contribute to the development of depression.

What are some signs and symptoms of Depression?

Depression can manifest itself in different ways for people with varying intensities and duration of symptoms. A common sign of depression is feeling low most of the day, and often this is accompanied by a loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyed. When people are depressed they often want to be alone and withdraw from family and friends. They may find ways to zone out by watching television or lying in bed for long periods. It can be a struggle to get out of bed and face the world. There can be physical changes including loss of appetite or the opposite, where weight is gained due to comfort eating. Sleep can be disturbed with difficulties falling asleep or early morning waking. Depression can affect the ability to work due to difficulties in concentration and making decisions. Depression can very much affect relationships due to increased irritation and agitation, as well as loss of libido. Depression can lead people to beat themselves up or feel excessively guilty for things that they think they have done. Thoughts of death and suicide are also symptoms of depression because people want to escape their extremely difficult feelings and do not know how to.

What are depressive disorders?

If symptoms of depression occur frequently and interfere with daily life functioning (i.e., work, school, uni, your social life and relationships), it is likely that you are experiencing clinical depression.

Perinatal and Post Natal Depression

Pregnancy and birth bring a wide range of challenges which can be extremely overwhelming and can lead to feelings of depression. There are many stresses that are experienced by new parents which are unfamiliar and difficult to cope with, particularly because personal resources may be lacking. There are physical and emotional challenges due to sleep deprivation, hormonal changes, birth experiences and uncomfortable body sensations. There are many psychological challenges with significant changes in lifestyle, the dependency of a baby, bonding with a baby, the self sacrifice required by parents and different parenting styles. All of these can lead to stress within relationships. Signs of post natal depression include symptoms listed above, but may also include feeling anxious and/or panicky without cause, strong feelings of being unable to cope, and often crying.

How can Mindframe Psychology help?

At MindFrame Psychology we offer you Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), which is the most effective treatment for depression. This is based on decades of scientific research worldwide. CBT will help you change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. Your Psychologist will help you learn CBT strategies to improve your mood. We will also work with you to help you stay well and happy. Your GP can refer you to MindFrame Psychology, and you may be eligible to the Medicare rebate for ten sessions, per calendar year. You can also be self referred.

What can lead to Depression?

GENES: Depression appears to have a genetic component.

STRESS: Adverse life events, stressful events, such as a relationship breakdown, and other losses can act as a trigger.

THINKING STYLE: Patterns of thinking characterised by black and white thinking (e.g., I’m a failure), being highly self critical, being perfectionistic, and using unhelpful coping strategies (e.g., withdrawing, alcohol use) are linked to depression.

If you can identify with some of these symptoms of depression and it is interfering in your daily life, we at Mindframe can help you. We offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which research has shown to be one of the most effective treatments for depression.